I never thought we'd make it to yesterday. What started as a lovely weekend in Tasmania, ended in Jack coming down with a horrendous temperature and a horrible week where he sat on the sofa and whimpered for five days. What the worst part was that his birthday was around the corner and WHAT would we do if he was sick?
Add to that, Charlie coughed and spluttered his way through those long, arduous days and the biggest boy of them all, big Daddy, was also struck down with the lurgy. How was I surviving with all these germs in the house? In some twisted hand of fate, I stayed healthy until all three boys improved.
The big day arrived and I have never seen so many vehicles in every shape and size arrive as gifts . Coming from a family of girls, this obsession with all things 'auto', left me scratching my head. But as they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! So those (very) close to me had the pleasure in watching Jack and I zoom up and down the hallway with our Tonka trucks and matching hard hats. A sight to behold I assure you. After an afternoon of car races, Happy Feet and said Tonka time, the sun finally set on a very happy birthday. A new week now emerges with three healthy boys and a coughing and spluttering mother...go figure!
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