
Good Housekeeping

When Vinnie came home with 'The Country Women's Association Cookery Book and Household Hints' book, I wondered was this a subtle comment on my housekeeping skills. To some, my ability to 'keep house' can be questionable and the state of the house can often reflect my mood. Neat as a pin - content. Looking like a bomb hit? Well, you can imagine.
With our big move to Tasmania now only around the corner, I thought it appropriate to open this bible to many. I mean, if I don't have a good scone recipe to welcome my new neighbours, I won't stand a chance there will I?
Not only did I find infinite wisdom on the art of a good scone, but there are pages dedicated to jam making, chutneys, sandwich fillings and pudding sauces. But it was the Simple Home Remedies chapter that had me hooked. If you ever find yourself choking on a fish bone, here is how to remove it;
"Swallow a raw egg, and follow, if possible, by eating plenty of mashed potato or bread. The egg will carry the bone to the stomach and the potato will prevent it from doing any harm there."
Who knew?
Oh and I bought myself my first pair of dish gloves today. After ten years of washing dishes gloveless, I decided it was time to look after my poor little hands. Gloves have come a long way since those dreadful rubber Marigolds...

1 comment:

Nuella said...

So happy to hear about the "Marigolds".
From the moment I got married, and had to wash dishes, the Marilgolds were at my kitchen sink.
I hope I remember that tip about the raw egg if ever I have to deal with a fish bone.

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