
Saying Goodbye

When you live in one place for as long as we have, the emotional attachment is a significant one. We partied, studied, married, conceived, laboured and brought two little boys into this house and now, seven years on, it's time to leave. But one thing I have realised; once all the pictures come down from the walls and our personalities fade from the rooms, this place is no longer ours. What has been, we are taking with us. The soul of our dwelling, our spirits, will follow us south and help us to create another home, where many more memories will be made.


Vaness said...

Oh Jeeeeennnnnnn. Talk about making me cry!

Nuella said...

So , so beautiful.
In a short time you will say "Clovelly Rd, yes, I just about remember that apartment " Because by then, as you say, you will have made your nest in another tree.

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