
Setting up Camp

Moving house is well known to be a very stressful activity so to relay the past week's frustrations would be a bore. In fact, apart from the on going challenges of parenting, there really were few. So here I sit, with a pretty maple tapping at the window behind me, a cup of tea brewing and the peaceful sound of two boys sleeping. Ah bliss.
Today is our first day without Daddy, so while he sets out to conquer Hobart, the boys and I have been busy checking out what's what in town. After my third trip to Dick Smith (why, I will explain later), we strolled the downtown streets to check out what Tassie's capital has to offer. Thankfully, my city slicker side was relieved to find a number of stylish stores that will satisfy my shopping needs, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief to find the ABC store, critical when in need of some new rhymes and car stories. I was also very delighted to add a very important item to my new warmer wardrobe. While shopping for compost at the weekend, I stumbled across a very shapely pair of gumboots. Although I need three people to help me get them on, they are really rather smart. Who needs to fork out $100's for a pair of Hunters, when you can just pop down to your local Mitre 10 and pick up a pair for a tenner?

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