
New Beginnings

How many of you have noticed the new addition on the top right column there? Yep, that little note, the one in green. Well, if you continue to read my little blog, you will share in the lead up to my very exciting new venture.
In the midst of job seeking, I realized that, in the long run, like many other Mums, I'd like to work from home. With no family support in Tasmania, life is going to be challenging when it comes to school activities, sports runs, social facilitator and all round chauffeur duties. So being my own boss will quell any possible anxiety attacks about where my children are at any given time.
So it all came to me in a vision what I should do. Blog. Yup. But with a difference. I have so often heard the common criticism that there is never enough choice for boys, and why is there always soooo much available for girls? Why is everything for kids so expensive and why can we not find it in Tasmania. Well to assist with all those cries for help, a new resource is coming your way. A resource that will not only source and promote supercool products for boys (no babies, no teenagers allowed), but it will also inspire and entertain you with ideas for weekend hobbies, meal time ideas,books, music, to name but a few. With contributors from Australia and the UK, The Brothers Trimm is going to be a must for every boy-owning Mum. So come back model airplanes, come back cubby houses. Let's look at the stars again and learn how to make....a terrarium!

The Brothers Trimm will be lifting off on March 9, The International Day of Awesomeness. Join me for the ride and start spreading the news!


Calamity Jen?

If the real Miss Calamity had any sidekicks, I am sure their names were Jack and Charlie. At least they should have been if today was anything to go by.
Bringing toddlers to the supermarket should be banned. I still cannot believe it took me two and half hours to get the groceries today, even with an actual shopping list already prepared! I should have known that it would have been an uphill battle as soon as I got out of the car. Jack was not interested in doing anything else other than sitting in the cart seat, the spot earmarked for his sneezing younger brother. Poor mite was left to sit in the main cage, giving me a look of utter disbelief.
We managed to make it to the meat counter before realizing that Stinky, Charlie's much adored and very smelly comfort horse was missing. Why did I bring it to the supermarket you ask? Well, look, desperate times lead to desperate measures ok?
Ten whole minutes later, and with half the supermarket staff, led by Jack, on a mission to find the precious stray, we found him, plonked on top of the sausage counter, waiting for collection.
That not being enough anxiety for one day, we then managed to lose Jack, (who had since decided it was much more fun to get closer to the action and get out of the trolley to touch every piece of fruit) not once but twice with the final straw being the loss of our ever faithful teeny Thomas in the freezer section...or was it with the yoghurts?
Needless to say, I managed to add about 25 more grey hairs to my head and can't get the image of that poor lost train sitting all alone out of my head. If we ring tomorrow and they say they found him, I think I'll buy some champage.


Old Friends

It's been a weekend of re-acquainting, all strangely accidental and coincidental. It's funny how things happen in three's, and this was no exception. Between Vinnie and I, we re-connected with three people, all from our youthful past, who shared in pivotal moments in our lives in Sydney and Dublin. By last night, I was filled with nostalgia, lamenting those carefree days, but happy to have been part of it all. One of these people, a lovely old college friend, part of our high jinx crew, is now dedicating his time to raising awareness and funding for specialized charitable projects overseas. His story and heartfelt documentary can be seen here. Introduced by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Hugo's selfless determination, for the future of others is quite simply, humbling. We really have nothing to complain about when we see the lives of those in this film. My hat is off to you Hugo x


Friday Flick

If you have half an hour to spare this weekend, watch this. Shot in and around Dublin, the multi-generational community are asked to reply to one simple question. We aren't told what it is, just asked to listen. What is revealed is the overall unselfish attitudes of Irish people, who in tough times, think of others, and not just of themselves. That makes me proud. Candid and thought-provoking, this is a reflective little piece that will have you thinking.

Once Upon a Paper Paradise

From reading my blog you will know that I have a very soft spot for all things paper. So when I came across this new Australian online store, well I almost squeaked a bit too much. I have died and gone to paper heaven. Upon a Fold is the brainchild of a very clever graphic designer and paper fanatic, Justine Fahd. Can I live in her world please?


Bus Roll Tea Towels

Some of you will know my lovely friend Tamara, who is the creative super force behind The Bespoke Workshop, The Six Week Boutique and now Bus Roll Tea Towels (phew!)
Her latest venture is a domestic nod to the old bus rolls of yesteryear. Printed on crisp white cotton/linen, these graphic grabbing tea towels are just too good to miss. I am a proud owner of the two Tassie versions and am thrilled to be helping out with forthcoming suburbs!
Oh and am I using mine yet? No way, I'm putting them in frames.


Who remember's this?

At a lovely impromptu picnic yesterday, our little friend showed me her super-cool, vintage Fisher Price rattle. I just know we had one too and getting all nostalgic I had to have her model it so I could share it with you. I also need to mention the other rather cool butterfly/moth/dragonfly tattoo on her forearm. We couldn't quite nail the species, but it was very cool and worn very proudly all day.


Love is in the Air?

Going back to work is a little like re-entering the dating game. It's all cat and mouse, playing all superficial, super-cool, when really, all you want to do is skip the niceties and get down to 'business'. There are the fond memories and those you just choose to forget, when you don't get the call or worst of all, get stood up. A little like me, this week, when I was to meet a prospective employer. I was on time (unusual), dressed like an adult, with Melissa shoes for good luck and hire me speech all rehearsed, all to be deflated with a no show. Yes a NO SHOW!! At a cafe to boot, where I had to sit with no phone or reading material to pretend I was just relaxing and having some me time. To make it worse, I didn't even get a call. A measly text would have sufficed. Can you imagine! It took three hours for an apology to come through. Three hours too late I say. 'I'm so sorry, it just plain slipped my mind', just doesn't cut it. Who would want to work for someone so disorganized anyway?
So in this weekend of lurv, to the dating game, I say NO thanks. (lucky I am happily married!) To getting back to work, well, best to just hop back up on that ole saddle.



I finally finished my motorbike last night! My crafty piece has taken me months to conquer, but last weekend, I took it up and decided it was time to complete. Once I found my groove, I loved every minute of it and stole every chance I could to make a stitch or two. I even had a helping hand who squealed when he pulled through his first 'x'. Oh how lovely to see the simplest of efforts create such pleasure! So here is 'Mummy's motorbike', displayed proudly alongside a few other little treasures, on our colourless lemon wall in the hall. When we have our own house, I think I am going to go nuts with paint (and hire a proper photographer)!


Google ads

.The only good thing about the Superbowl is the ads. Come on, seriously, the rest of it is more painful than watching paint dry... Some of you will have seen Muno and Sock Monkey's (from Yo Gabba Gabba) fabulous entry into the big time, but this one from Google, is just, well, just darn cute


To Market, To Market

With markets being de rigeur, here is a little sample of what Hobart has to offer. This morning was dedicated to food, and we headed to the Tasmanian Farm Gate, which showcases Tassie artisan products. If cheese, oysters or goat products are for you, then this is your kinda place. 
This afternoon, I dragged the littlies to 'the market', where the best in local independant design is displayed for our tasty pallets to savour. Hmm,maybe I have been to too many of these things, or coming from a big city I expect a really high level, but I was disappointed at both counts. Some cute things were there, the little monster teddies and handmade cards, but haven't I seen them somewhere before? And to have a Farmers market in a car park with no sense of rural goodness, well, to me, was all just a bit lacking. A few bails of hay would have even made a difference! Hey and not an egg for sale! 


Friday Flick

I have another little cracker for you this week. Nominated for an Oscar, Granny O'Grimm hails from my homeland and is sure to please young and old alike. I think an old class mate was involved. Small world! Anyway, grab a cuppa and be ready for some good ole Irish humour.

That Friday feeling?

You know its the end of the week when-

the couch becomes a sandpit
the cordless mouse goes missing
you can't see the floor for toys
the cat storms off
and the Thomas DVD comes out

What do you do?
Get yourself a glass of wine
and wait patiently for the cavalry...


FANtastic Fun

Feel like doing something silly? Want to sound like Wall-E? Stand in front of a fan and turn it on to the first speed level. Position yourself nearer the edge of the rotating blade and in your best American robot accent, speak into the corner of the fan. Funny right?! Jack and I have just been spending the last half hour before bed, impersonating our favourite android and keeping cool all at the same time. Obviously it's a summer kinda game, but hey if you are feeling brave up North and need some wind in your face, do it. I tell you, it's super-cool!


When the chips are down...

There is nothing like your Mum and your ''besty'' to get you out of the doldrums. Waking up on the very wrong side of the bed this morning led me to pick up the phone to my mother, who although exhausted from her own pursuits and in the wrong time zone, still managed to listen and be the shoulder I needed. Follow that with a Skype catch up to my best friend in New York and I purged myself of any inner angst and got myself back on track. (well almost)
The day then took a gentle slope upwards and I actually had a whole hour alone while the boys nestled into their new "Teddy Bear School" with no major drama's. What did I do? The groceries of course!
When I checked my email there was a note from Mum with a link to this little video. There was a time when this kind of thing wouldn't have meant a lot, but today it made me cry and realise that time is precious, so I've decided to share it with all you Mum's, especially ones with boys. And in the words of my dear friend remember to 'Be kind to yourself and show yourself some love'.


My Favourite Mug

I am rather particular about what I drink my tea out of and am always keen to try out new mugs. I don't like fussy decoration, preferring nice graphics and well rounded edges. My sister personally delivered this precious one when she visited at Christmas. I think we've had it in our family home for over 20 years, and finally I have it now in mine. Handpainted in Ireland, these mugs were very popular among our age group, as they not only had a very pretty picture on it, but also had your very own name on the opposite side. For a 10 year old, well that was just so grown up. To have your very own adult mug AND your name on it so no-one else could use it, was well... you know, very meaningful. My older sister had a red one, I can't remember what picture she had, probably because I was so in love with the ballerina on mine! So thanks Dad, for remembering, and sending it over to me.
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