How many of you have noticed the new addition on the top right column there? Yep, that little note, the one in green. Well, if you continue to read my little blog, you will share in the lead up to my very exciting new venture.
In the midst of job seeking, I realized that, in the long run, like many other Mums, I'd like to work from home. With no family support in Tasmania, life is going to be challenging when it comes to school activities, sports runs, social facilitator and all round chauffeur duties. So being my own boss will quell any possible anxiety attacks about where my children are at any given time.
So it all came to me in a vision what I should do. Blog. Yup. But with a difference. I have so often heard the common criticism that there is never enough choice for boys, and why is there always soooo much available for girls? Why is everything for kids so expensive and why can we not find it in Tasmania. Well to assist with all those cries for help, a new resource is coming your way. A resource that will not only source and promote supercool products for boys (no babies, no teenagers allowed), but it will also inspire and entertain you with ideas for weekend hobbies, meal time ideas,books, music, to name but a few. With contributors from Australia and the UK, The Brothers Trimm is going to be a must for every boy-owning Mum. So come back model airplanes, come back cubby houses. Let's look at the stars again and learn how to make....a terrarium!
The Brothers Trimm will be lifting off on March 9, The International Day of Awesomeness. Join me for the ride and start spreading the news!
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