Autumn Adventures
So after a completely dull day of flu like symptoms yesterday, I woke up all the better today, ready to enjoy a second family day in a row. For those of you curious by this remark, the life of a husband chef rarely allows for a weekend or consecutive days off. But this week, we were lucky!
Autumn is falling over Tasmania now and I must admit, I'm kind of loving it. A stiff breeze filled the air this morning, and the threat of rain stirred all around, but we still decided it was a great day to go out into the bush. So with super-cool winter hats all the way from Estonia, (or was it Finland?) and enough clothes to conquer Everest, we set off on our mini expedition, ready for action. Sticks, pine cones and fairy cups were the major highlights, with our Phil and Ted's playing faithful steed to our exhausted but intrepid young explorers.
With hungry bellies we made it home just in time for lunch, and the bigger boys settled into major fire lighting duties, while the littlest of the brood headed for an afternoon nap. As part of my preparation for my sister and her partner's visit this weekend (oooh 5 more sleeps!), I set about relocating the computer and its 80,000 wires into the dining room, managing to cause myself major stress by incorrectly reconnecting the phone lines and for a moment, being filled with dread that I had no phone or internet. Ahhh no blogs!!!!!!! THANKFULLY all was not lost (obviously). After accidental tweaking "oh this will never work", type notions, I fixed the problem and breathed a tremendous massive sigh of relief. So now that I've shared all that with you it's most definitely time for bed!
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