
Lemons and Oranges

It pays to have friends who are builders. Our romantic notions of Swiss Family Robinsom-dom were quickly quelled when we had a closer look at the pine house, to find, damp, bad construction and the potential for the position to be a major fire trap. Yep, thanks but no thanks! NEXT...
So we've been looking and looking, almost nearly putting an offer into this place....

We have been humming and hawing for the whole day, and emmm aren't we supposed to just 'know' when we stumble upon our future home?
It's cute, it's quiet, yes it needs work, but what doesn't around here? Its got character, but its JUST not in the most loveliest of 'hoods... the park is where?  and the motorbike yard and Economy furniture store is merely a block away. Did I mention the petrol station too, and the red impulse plasterboard gym too? All so convenient if you are in your 20's, but we are much more into trees, rivulets and calm space for the boys to run amuk. So that's that then. Decision made. My gut says no.

Ah and so we are onto this one, we are looking tomorrow, its on piles of land, flat this time! Not so glamorous on the outside, but modern and bright on the inside. Time will tell, and thankfully (we keep reminding ourselves) we are really in no hurry!

1 comment:

Philippa Burke said...

I like this one! xxxxxxx

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