
Twit a Whooo

So week one in blogdom has passed and I am already all the richer in my blog knowledge. While exercising my mouse I finally succumbed to the Twitter sign up page; so come on, can someone please explain why we need to know the tiniest details of everyone? Does this mean that we are making nosy-parkers socially acceptable now?

I am completely guilty I will admit it, I did sign up. Now I can keep in touch with everyone from my sister to Al Gore. I am still a little bewildered by it though... Do I share whether I washed my hair, if Jack ate all his dinner or which side I woke up on? Isn't there a section of Facebook that 'Twitters' already? Is this all just the biggest waste of time or a social phenomenon for people who are far too busy to even write emails now?

A couple of weeks ago I received a lovely thank you card, yes, through the post and hand written. It made me think about how seldom this mode of communication is used now. Texts or emails have taken over and the personal touch is all but fading. Is it time that we reconsidered this more intimate form of communication or are we all just too fast and furious to stop and take the time to write?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah twitter is pretty inane for personal use, I only use it as a tool for networking for music writing so you can update other interested parties with links to your blog posts plus get the latest info from record companies, mags, sites etc...
i think it is good that birthday cards are on the out - waste of paper - who keeps them! handmade presents are cool though.
i can't believe you don't have a link to my blog on yours :)

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