
Window Shopping

Continuing my new found passion for paper, I spotted this very pretty window last week. It really doesn't take much to create an eye catching display, just a little time and an obvious love of craft.

Alice in Burtonland

The fabulously eccentric Tim Burton has created a spellbinding version of Alice in Wonderland. His usual suspects appear in wildly dramatic glory, with an Australian unknown playing the lead. No more needs to be said, just watch the trailer and follow Alice down the hole...

The Party Review

So our first official mini birthday bash went off without a hitch, hooray! Despite the sky appearing gloomy, the little people seemed to have fun and my craft corner actually had some customers. The key to toddler parties is to keep it SUPER simple. One activity (decorate your own party hat), the official cake ceremony and locating the party close to a playground was a winning combination. Despite our best intentions, the winner in the refreshment department was the Wiggles apple juice. I am proud to say that this was and will be the only Wiggle purchase in our household.

When it came to going home time, my fear of not providing a traditional party bag was softened by an older female friend of Jacks, a very mature five year old who told me that the balloon I just took off the tree was a perfectly satisfactory going home present. What a relief.

Next year however, there will be a new rule. With the exorbitant amount of presents that now decorate our living room floor, is it really necessary to give a kid so many toys? I have been inspired by a friend who recently requested pre-loved or handmade gifts to be given to her daughter for her birthday party. It was lovely to see the effort made and how even the most creatively challenged came up trumps. A much more wholesome and cost effective method that doesn't allow your child think you're the Grinch. Don't you think?

Planes, Trains and Birthday Boys

I never thought we'd make it to yesterday. What started as a lovely weekend in Tasmania, ended in Jack coming down with a horrendous temperature and a horrible week where he sat on the sofa and whimpered for five days. What the worst part was that his birthday was around the corner and WHAT would we do if he was sick?
Add to that, Charlie coughed and spluttered his way through those long, arduous days and the biggest boy of them all, big Daddy, was also struck down with the lurgy. How was I surviving with all these germs in the house? In some twisted hand of fate, I stayed healthy until all three boys improved.
The big day arrived and I have never seen so many vehicles in every shape and size arrive as gifts . Coming from a family of girls, this obsession with all things 'auto', left me scratching my head. But as they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! So those (very) close to me had the pleasure in watching Jack and I zoom up and down the hallway with our Tonka trucks and matching hard hats. A sight to behold I assure you. After an afternoon of car races, Happy Feet and said Tonka time, the sun finally set on a very happy birthday. A new week now emerges with three healthy boys and a coughing and spluttering mother...go figure!


Flight of freedom

In 2009, you'd think governments would have well and truly faced the atrocities of World War II. But there remains a group of living, breathing survivors whose suffering has never been officially acknowledged; whose full stories remain buried under layers of shame and outright denial by those responsible. Up to 200,000 women and girls were subject to repeated rapes and beatings in 'comfort stations' throughout much of Asia Pacific, including South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines and East Timor. As the survivors near the end of their lives, time is running out.

By creating your very own butterfly at, you can be part of a huge effort to resolve a generations-old issue. Your unique butterfly – the survivors' chosen symbol of hope - is a cry for justice and a powerful gesture of solidarity for the survivors of one of the darkest episodes in human history.


Getting out of town

We have been considering the idea of getting out of town on a permanent basis and so spent last weekend sizing up Hobart (that's in the southern state of Tasmania for those of you unfamiliar with Australia). It's a considerably smaller part of the world than what we are used to in Sydney, and a little fresher in temperature, but all that aside, there is an interesting art and food scene that has many relocating to its calmer climes. Hobartians ( if that is the right term) must have a passion for bread as I noticed a plethora of artisan bakeries in town, as well as a healthy supply of home grown produce at the markets. Some cute stores that cater for creative kids and discerning adults, such as Ruby's Room and Love & Clutter will definitely be on my shopping path when we head down there in Spring. Here are some Supercool things we stumbled upon.


Party Planner

My new faithful side-kick, Teddy (I love him because he is so quiet) has agreed to model my latest creation, in preparation for Jack's birthday this weekend. The all important celebrations for the big day top my weekly list of priorities and I have been trying to stick to a non toxic, environmentally kind theme. His new train set is wooden, his cake will be home made. Paper plates, bamboo cutlery, no plastic where I can...Decorations will be made using whatever I have in the craft drawer. Do I still do party bags and what can I include that doesn't scream - stingy hippy?! The thing is really that the kids won't remember or even care what kind of effort I put into our little gathering. Is it me just wanting to impress the adults or myself? If so, maybe I need to get out more...


Reading the signs

Is there an anti road rage campaign happening that I've missed? Or is some sweet soul trying to get the message out to all those demon drivers to just chill the hell out! This sign is only around the corner from our house. I pass it every day with a smile and a glimmer of hope that it might bring one to those grumpy drivers too.

Vroom vroom

If you find yourself sitting vaguely in front of the TV, remove yourself immediately and log on to
I have just discovered a very generous website that has produced a whole range of paper cut-outs you can download for free!
I am very proud of my London taxi (although I do see more of a vintage Rolls than a black cab...) and am looking forward to challenging myself to a Ferrari Testarosa! No fear, this is about as rev heady as I get....
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