
The X Factor

Were you glued last night? Did you race home to catch Kate and Matt wow the crowds? Are you too obsessed with the X Factor? After my Mum declined a Skype chat this morning and too many mentions on Facebook,  I decided to find out what all the fuss was about. So by the magic of the interweb, I found a live stream of The X Factor (UK).
I admit, I managed to get sucked in by the lights, the fervour, the banter and in some parts, rather good singing. Apart from the refreshingly good advertising breaks (Australia needs a major overhaul when it comes to ad breaks) I wondered what is it exactly that has everyone hooked? Is it the artificial wrangling between judges or the promise for normal, dare I say, plain people to reach stellar status?
When sub zero temperatures and similar type economies deny a lot of watchers a social life perhaps this is a fine substitute to the bright but expensive lights of a club or theatre? How timely for producers to seize the moment and give viewers a moment of excitement and fun when the chips for many or so firmly down town.
Like so much British TV, Australia has jumped on the bandwagon of variety and quiz shows, The X Factor being no exception. Ronan Keating, yes 'Our Ro',  plays Mr Tough Guy (as if that's possible), while Natalie Imbruglia plays the pretty card, and that's about all. With a mere 45,000 Facebook fans, they have a long way to go to compete with the over 2 million UK likes. Maybe with temperatures warming up and the country's mood a little more buoyant, people are finding a little more to do with their Saturday nights? You tell me.


Lemons and Oranges

It pays to have friends who are builders. Our romantic notions of Swiss Family Robinsom-dom were quickly quelled when we had a closer look at the pine house, to find, damp, bad construction and the potential for the position to be a major fire trap. Yep, thanks but no thanks! NEXT...
So we've been looking and looking, almost nearly putting an offer into this place....

We have been humming and hawing for the whole day, and emmm aren't we supposed to just 'know' when we stumble upon our future home?
It's cute, it's quiet, yes it needs work, but what doesn't around here? Its got character, but its JUST not in the most loveliest of 'hoods... the park is where?  and the motorbike yard and Economy furniture store is merely a block away. Did I mention the petrol station too, and the red impulse plasterboard gym too? All so convenient if you are in your 20's, but we are much more into trees, rivulets and calm space for the boys to run amuk. So that's that then. Decision made. My gut says no.

Ah and so we are onto this one, we are looking tomorrow, its on piles of land, flat this time! Not so glamorous on the outside, but modern and bright on the inside. Time will tell, and thankfully (we keep reminding ourselves) we are really in no hurry!

Home is Where the Heart is

Ain't that the truth, but when half your heart is in one country, and the other in another half way round the world, it makes answering this question an unenviable task.
Today we viewed a house. What I was imagining us in would be something like this...

Whereas today, we kinda fell in love with this...

OK so it's kinda wonky and a little Swiss Family Robinson. It's owned by one of Santa's little helpers and was built steadily and with great care over the past 15 years. This kooky wooden dwelling is filled with warmth and soul. There is so much potential, but yet completely livable as is. It sits on 10 acres with Hobart's last freshwater rivulet rumbling below a rather steep driveway. The garden is terraced and could almost be mistaken for Indian paddy fields! But the air is crisp, the sounds are magical, the energy is sublime and its only ten minutes to the city.
There are bandicoots, wallabies, echidnas and birdsong that would soothe your soul, all of which has left us nothing less than enchanted.
So what to do? Is this the place for us, where the boys build cubby houses, share their garden with native bush, nurture their green thumbs and have that childhood we seek for them?
Or do we remain cautious, buy conservatively, consider the future possibilities of a return to Europe and not fall in love?
My heart is calling out, but I'm not sure what it's saying. Which one do I listen to and which way do we go?


Creativity or mass destruction?

No child is the same, and that goes for siblings too. Our eldest it appears is the more sensitive of our two, rather sensible, like his mother, certainly more reserved than his younger brother. As a toddler, we never had to block plugs, lock doors, buffer corners or hide markers or pens. His brother however, is a different story - he is the magnet that all things dangerous adore. This is what I found him destroying creating a few days ago...

Trying something new

So my Supercool posts have been, well, less than cool without even mentioning the super, and I often wish I had more time to devote some personal ponderings to a place outside my head.
My wish may have been answered as I tap away from my bed on my new supercool gadget of love. Yes I now own an iPhone and yes it has brightened my day, week and almost month of ownership. Not having to sit in the icebox of a study is such a relief and although our bedroom is actually just as freezing (and yes I have heard of heating), there is something quite lovely and contemplative about writing in bed.
So with that I bring you this post, one of purposeful rebirth,(that's where the pretty flower comes in - it blossomed in our front garden this week) where I can log and share my musings, my amusings and all the bits in between.


Who lives in a house like this?

This house is up for sale at the end of our road. I kid you not, this is a house in 2010. Just check out the animal collections and the blue carpet... it's so kitsch its fantastic!! Worth over half a million smackers though? Hmmm you be the judge!


What's in your glove box?

At the V&A I had to laugh when I came across these rather chic woollen driving gloves. Not only do they pay homage to the high fashion of the '50's, but they ensure you stay ultra modern, with their 'touch' technology. Yes, they have a special tip for index and thumb so you can operate your iPhone, iPod or iPad without ruining a manicure or chilling those pinkies. Really, I even saw rip offs on the high street!

An awfully big adventure

I can't quite believe it, but tomorrow I will be embarking on a 7 day mission of self indulgence. I am travelling half way across the world to join my (immediate) family in celebrating my older sister's wedding. What I can't quite believe is that I am doing it alone!
For weeks now I have been giddy with the notion of a silent plane ride, a chance to read a book, a full nights sleep and time with my two sisters. Sharing the last month with my parents here really augmented a craving for my far away family. Knowing that it's only days away makes me almost self combust. However, as dawn approaches the realisation that I won't see my two little boys and my stellar husband has hit me like a sack of potatoes. I have been biting my lip all morning, pushing away thoughts of having to say goodbye, explaining to our eldest why I will be away for 'just a few day's'.
'But Mummy, I'll miss you, I'm going to be so sad', are not the words I was hoping to hear quite yet, and although so endearing, love infusing and precious, makes my ticker tumble into that of a mock turtle!
So to remedy this, I have decided to physically turn myself in two, leaving the pining mother aside for just a little while, to hold hands with that old Jen instead. The Jen who needs a break, who needs to breathe, who needs to paint her nails and be a little fancy-free.Then when I return, I think I'll be the best Mum (and wife) I can be.


Vexing Vintage

This is just too supercool! Get it from a naughty Kiwi called Trixie


Hello....anybody there?

When my friend emailed me this week wondering was I just too busy to blog, I felt horrendous pangs of guilt, like I had been ignoring a friend, when the truth is quite simply, yes, I am. Too busy to write and share the adventures down here. For the moment anyway. While my parents spend a sacred month with us and breathe in their grandchildren, and I keep my head above water with, mothering, work, the Brothers Trimm, oh and being a wife! My Supercool is being pushed down the list of priorities until more time allows me. I'm dreaming of a new laptop and wireless internet, where I can tap away on the sofa or in front of the fire, rather than in this frigid room and on a hard dining chair.
In a few weeks I will be preparing for a solo trip northwards to celebrate my sisters wedding in London. Yes, all alone, no husband, no children.. just little ole me. For a whole 9 days. Wowzers. I think I'd rather like to visit this wee between champagne, squeals and lotsa wedding tears!
So forgive me dear friends, while I pause, dream, and rush off to prepare for this weekends belated 3rd birthday party!
Albion Cafe in Shoreditch, London. 


Sitting Still...

Schedules, speeding, speeding tickets, tolerance, time, too much chocolate, checking in, sneaking out, reading, writing, submitting, avoiding. And that's just today! How nice would it be to have a room like this, sit still, sew, and relax....


My Rocking Wardrobe

No, I'm hardly referring to mine, but that of the online store that I have just discovered. Not only do they have superrrr cute clothes for kids, (just look at that outfit below!) but they also have some stylin' duds for us ladies. Only teeny weeny issue is that they are small fitting, but they are so cheap! Love Korean clothing! Now Jen, walk away from the chocolate...


In the Valley...See!

House No. 2 was cute, cuter than we first thought, with lots of charm and potential. Of course it looked nothing like the photos and needs extending, re-designing, a new kitchen, bathroom, garden upgrade and removal of the 15 pesky pecking chickens. It did have a gnarly adventure, trip over your feet, chaotic vegetable patch, mini forest floor appeal, but the sloping wasn't quite right and the outdoors was definitely in need of some flat grass for cricket stumps. Great light, good energy, good price, but just a bit too teeny for the men in my life!

Oh and as requested, some interior shots for my nosey readers. You know who you are...


And now..guest writer!

Today my chest is puffed up like a Robin's. My very first article has featured in Classic Play, a wonderful American online parenting zine and blog that shares my Brothers Trimm philosophy. The wonder of the internet, really holds no bounds. Imagine, after seeing a very clever party she created for her son, I approached Jennifer Cooper, to see if I could feature her on the BT. That small request has now created an instant kinship and the door to a whole new area for me. To say my eyes are opening to possibilities is an understatement. The power of this machine I hack away at daily is just phenomenal. And to think that I am here in little old Hobart and she, (my namesake!) all the way in beautiful Baltimore, Maryland. Wondrous. I love it!


Want to join me?

So I thought you might like to tag along on our house hunting adventure. It will also be nice for me to log all the places we consider and see how long we'll be led up the garden path til we reach our new front door'.
House No.1. Kingston
No not Jamaica. Had all the qualities, space, but such horrrrible surrounds. Why can people allow sub divisions like this to happen? Ugggly and such a shame. This place had a little creek at the end of the garden too, and a shed for Vinnie...NEXT


Who wouldn't love to have the time to sit leisurely beside the fire, seeping a fine Pinot and transcribe all those recipes scrawled on the back of receipts to custom cards in a box like this? That would be the perfect woman, with the perfect meal repertoire, with the perfect table setting and the perfect life.

Well peughh to that. Instead, at dinnertime tonight, I had one boy pulling my jeans leg so that my pants were dangerously close to showcasing my derriere, the other one, fashioning  an 'empty' flour bag on his head, three bubbling pots on the stove, whinges, moans, I NEED TO TASTE IT....MUMMMMMYYYY.... NOOO I WANT PLAIN PASTA....MUMMMMEEEE...WHAT IS THAT? And then a sudden silence, where I turn around and find my 18 month old sculling the dregs of last nights beer bottle, stolen from the recycling bin.
Just another day in paradise.


No Man's an Island

I'm just a little excited to know that this place is only a couple of hours from Hobart. But at prices starting from $1250 a night, I think I'll be admiring it from afar! Wineglass bay is free though and isn't that a slice of heaven?!


House Hunting

So we think we are now in a position to finally take the plunge. It's taken us long enough but hey, slow and steady wins the race... I had my first experience of property anxiety today after viewing a potential home with all key family members in tow. Oh, except for the cat. Although many positive ticks were, well, ticked, I for one was just a little overwhelmed by the enormity of what we are seriously considering to do.
After a playground session and multiple nappy changing (due to yet another bout of gastro) we were brought sharply back down to earth, and after a list of unemotional pro's and con's we asked the most important question of all.  Is this going to be our home?
With us both agreeing that it was not just right, we breathed an interestingly cohesive sigh of relief and warmed to each others synergy.
Now we go back to our budget, work hard on how to save, realise our dream house is but just that and our reality will not be a 4 bedroom, 2 acre, boys room, guest quarters, kitchen garden, perfectly decorated period home with no cracks!
To still wish for something close is still on my radar and hopefully our move to Tasmania will help us find our new home. Wish us luck!


The Sound of Silence

I knew we would find some really pretty nature spots down here in Tassie but I didn't quite believe we would discover such places of peace. We happened upon Lake Sorell at the weekend, quite by accident and played all alone with only a token fly to interrupt us, while we skipped stones and dodged puddles (and wallaby poo) along the forest tracks. The sky was blue, the air crisp and not a breath touched the surface of the millpond lake. It really would have to be the most perfect spot to meditate and really listen to your inner self. That is until the Murnatrims came along and hurled as many stones and rocks into this peaceful setting as possible! Yes, boys will be boys....

Only Smarties have the answer...

I was getting to the stage last week where I really wondered whether Jack would ever be interested in the potty. Almost 3, he showed instant disdain any time I nodded to or even breathed close to the loo. Should I go cold turkey and scar him with toilet trauma or just hang in there and deal with yet another major test of patience? Well miraculously, last Friday night, the potty fairy came to visit and whisked those two notions away. After bathtime I  noticed a wee was imminent and so offered the potty, very casually and never thinking he'd have the slightest interest. To my complete surprise he agreed and after a little coaxing and much enthusiasm the gates opened and the potty was filled. Well no house has ever seen so squealing and hugging. Even our 17 month old got in on the action and applauded his brother. I am proud to say that today, Day 5, we had a totally dry day and none of the 17 changes of clothes I packed for him in his daycare bag were required! Proud as punch I was, as all you Mums can imagine!
So I must give thanks to my partner in crime, the Smartie for being such a wonderful teeny chocolate treat and playing such a major role in bribing encouraging one almost 3 year old in becoming a very grown up boy!


Clever girls

I thought I'd share some of my lovely old (and new) friends who are just terribly clever and deserve a hip hip hooray. So in no favourable order;

My great pal Steph who creatively directs Mokum (yumsky fabrics), and is about to have her first baby (woopeee)
The ridiculously lovely, cleverly creative and very inspiring Tamara Maynes. What this girl can't do with her hands! She has also just appeared in this month's Inside Out, a full spread! Go and treat yourself to some of her gorgeous goodies at The Six Week Boutique

The Polli girls are super, smart, socially conscious and always warm and welcoming. Tess, Maja and Anna, three better ladies you couldn't meet.
And finally, a new creative pal, c/o my sister in London. I will always want to shout out about people who follow their dreams and put their ideas onto paper. Sinead at Ruka Ruka creates original custom made prints for babies, kids and grown ups, and has quite literally done just that!

So ladies, I think you are all Fantabulous and am very happy to have you as friends. Watch out all you others...I may send some glory your way too!


My new job

So I guess I should really share what my new job is right? I am now in week 4 and very happily ticking along at Babes in Arms - a small yet energetic business run by two ex-architects! When Anita couldn't find a baby carrier that really suited her she discovered the ERGObaby carrier in the States, bought it, loved it and realized there was no-one here selling it. So guess what, she thought, ah here's an idea, a small distribution line that can subsidise our income.. well, little did she know how big it would become. Today she now runs the business with her lovely husband Ralph and a dedicated team of almost 10, all from their family home, with 3 little ones under 6 sharing the space! It's cosy but strangely works ok, especially when their 3 year old bakes for us! It's just nice to get my brain ticking in a different direction, regain some income again and get to use a product that is honestly fantastic.
Watch out Mt Everest, here we come!


The end of the week...

So I can finally boast a good week. Hooray!! And my first 'pay cheque' since returning to work. Woop Woop! Of course, I won't get to even sniff at it as it's already gone on bills. How BORING. But it's nice to know that I can finally divorce myself from the credit card.
And to top off my tip top week, one of our little shining lights said to me before nuzzling into his pillow;

Mummy, I wuv you
I love you too Jack
Mummy, I wuv you so much
Oh Jack, I love you so much too

And my heart skipped a beat....


The Tree

This film has just had a 7 minute standing ovation at Cannes...


Retail Therapy

Finally we actually had a week without mishap or major disease. Don't all pass out, but we also fitted in an ACTUAL date too. Dinner on Friday night, followed by a full weekend of family fune. Hmm that hasn't happened in a while, and trust me, it was GREAT!
Although temperatures have plummeted and we are now sleeping with 2 duvets, 1 blanket and full sleep wear (socks too), the air is crisp and the light down here is really magical. Just as long as we don't have to do anything at night when it's 2 degrees, I am quite happy. Oh and before you think we can't afford heating, unfortunately, it's our bedroom that falls under the freezer dial. The boys room and living area is quite ok!
One of our tasks this week was to get new printer ink and so we took ourselves off to the local Officeworks, where Jack was handed a rather snazzy kiddy trolley. Of course, he took to it like a duck to water and was seen marching up and down the aisles, analyzing calculators and adding a much needed safety scissors to his collection of 'purchases'. Needless to say, I was almost hysterical watching him. Now all they need to do is introduce these into supermarkets and life will just have become more fun!


If I was a girl again..



...I would like to wear one of these pretty necklaces. Isn't it so sweet! A lovely accessory from Nest Decorating... Hmm, I think it's time I started to share and log some of the lovely non-boy things I discover these days. For my own pleasure really, sometimes it's just nice to window shop the pretty feminine delights around.


The week that was...

It is seven days now since I faced what was to be a week from hell. This is how it went.
Monday: Cold and cough - two boys and a mum
Tuesday: Food Poisoning - one boy and a mum
Wednesday: Daycare send one boy home with temperature
Thursday: 2nd official day of work, scraped through unscathed (minor miracle)
Friday: Contact lens removes top layer of cornea and damages both eyes - mum (not permanent, thank heaven)
Saturday: Cold and exhaustion - Dad
Sunday: Sneezing resumes - one boy
Monday: Cold takes hold once more: one boy

I think I might take myself down to the homeopath and see if they can mix us up a daycare diffuser that will allow the boys to at least have a full week without snot, red noses and encrusted sleeves?


Balancing Act

With the first snowfall on the mountain sighted this morning, winter is almost certainly upon us. With that is a whole new family routine as I return to work and the boys experience a cold season for the very first time.
My Dad always tells me that life is just one adjustment after another, and I am finally starting to believe him. Following our trip to Sydney, we have been inundated with colds, ear infections, coughs and food poisoning, all in the space of a week. Really, when will it end?! Now that it's getting chilly we have to educate ourselves in proper outdoor attire and how to keep warm indoors without blowing the lid on our electricity bills. Something we never had to really consider in our former abode, and something easily forgotten after ten years away from our countries of origin. So, adjusting to the cold, adjusting to another sickness, adjusting to working, adjusting to more organisation, it's all really quite a tiring experience! Really I need to be in bed by 8, up at 6, have a magic wand and super tidy management skills to get myself through the next few months. Oh and remember to keep some time for myself, exercise, eat well, socialise and spend some time with my husband. Hmmm, a balancing act that will be fun to observe. Pity I can't be the one watching!


Happy Mothers Day

I have been treated to Mothers Day treats a little early as the boys presented me with their daycare delights this week. I am now the very proud owner of a very tasteful beaded necklace (photo not included as the maker has now taken um-bridge to me actually wearing the gift and has negotiated to 'buying' it for a while). My second gift is this beautiful laminated lavender heart with sparkles and shiny paper galore. What Mummy in this day and age doesn't own one of these?! It's now hanging proudly in the kitchen window where I can marvel at it 24/7. Precious! Happy Aussie Mother's Day friends x


Hi Ho...

It was always going to be a challenging trip. Going back to Sydney for the first time since our big would I feel about being back? Well, kinda ok actually. Yes I miss my friends, the hustle and bustle, the proximity to EVERYTHING, the warmth, the beauty, the cooking smells in the air of an evening, but I didn't pang for life back there quite as strongly as I had first imagined.
So that's a bit of a relief! It made me think how really, having everything and anything on your doorstep is not really all that healthy. Looking for a pair of cowboy boots for winter, the only ones I could find were a stupid price, not one that I could justify today or tomorrow, even with a Lotto win.
The boys enjoyed seeing their little pals, but was it more me who felt guilty that I was taking them away from their first friends, than them actually worrying about it in the SLIGHTEST! Of course not, they'll have their pals here shortly and will enjoy the added benefit of having all these people dotted interstate and overseas to hang out with in later years. I'm actually doing them a favour!
I'll ponder more on my trip in later posts, but in the meantime I'll try and recover from my monster cold and share with you this crazy front garden we passed in Summer Hill. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's home it's home we go...

Under the Weather

Just as we neared our departure date for our little trip to Sydney, the vomit bug decided to pay us a visit. Well not all of us, just poor Jack mainly. I must say, he is a brave little puker and never got upset by the pretty rotten event that it is. Instead, he would just say, oh Mummy what a mess, you clean it up? And yes, of course, it was always my delicious job of mopping up the floor, the bed, the car, my hair, my shoulder, Vinnie's shoulder and our bed.
So this morning, after another unsettled night, I was considering putting a halt to this trip until things improved. But the wind must have changed or something, because out of nowhere, our little boy blue turned rosy again, requested Weetbix, toast and some water, none of which came to visit us in any shape or form again. Roll on Sydney and phew says me!

The image above is from


The Drought breaks...

It's been a pretty good week in the little brick house and I thought I'd share some good news with you. Firstly, I will be visiting my pals in Sydney next week for a whole ten days...good news for me, not so much for Vinnie, who has to stay behind and cook. Secondly, my younger sister will be making a guest appearance in Sydders and we'll get to see each other while she is in transit to the Gold Coast. Woopeee! I will also be in Sydney to help out at my future employers Trade Fair. Yesssireee, that's right, I got myself a job (cue deep sigh of relief). I will be assisting the lovely people at Babes in Arms with their sales and marketing and learning all about the world of online business. I can't wait to start and am quite thrilled to be working with a rather inspiring mother of three. So if you don't hear from me quite so regularly over the next 2 weeks, please forgive me, you'll know the reason why.
Oh and while I'm talking about myself, I am quite proud to say that I have just completed (well a couple of weeks ago actually), my Diploma in Book Editing and Publishing, making that 2 diplomas and 1 degree in total to my name...makes me sound a bit clever doesn't it, hee hee! What else can I brag about, since I'm in the mood? Oh one of my favourite online stores has approached The Brothers Trimm to make a guest appearance on their blog soon. I'm tickled pink and very excited. You'll just have to keep your eyes on the blog to find out who, when and where! Have a terrific weekend and if you like this image, you can buy it here


Girls Night Out

I actually made it out this week, and it was a near no show due to Vinnie's work commitments. However, I made it and before you all think I went out on the town, I didn't. I did something much nicer and super relaxing. A new found friend has introduced me to the loveliest bunch of women, who meet every fortnight, to chat, drink wine, eat, share a book or watch a movie. All with young children it's a really welcome respite in our sometimes exhausting parenting lives.
This week we were treated to yummy beetroot soup and the nicest apple pie I have ever tasted. Something to do with adding sour cream to the pastry apparently? Yum Yum. The host's suggested theme for the evening was to bring along any darning or mending that sits idly in the corner, waiting patiently to be attended to. Now when would you ever feel like approaching this task, so what a perfect way to tick it off your list, with friends, and a healthy glass of wine? Along with this, some girls brought crochet hooks and some wool and when someone asked if they could learn a little, I thought, hmmm can I too?
And so began my new granny hobby. I am proudly showing off the results of my first foray into the world of hooks and circles, and I have to admit I am rather proud. What am I making? Well I am hoping to create a rather stylish winter beanie for myself, but it is my first attempt so be kind... I'll show you the result in due course.


New Tricks

Following the departure of the visitors last weekend, I was feeling a little sorry for myself, all to be instantly vapourised on Saturday, when I heard a yell from the kitchen. On arrival I was greeted with a scene of cereal sabotage. Charlie Charming (now so nicknamed at daycare) had successfully emptied an entire bumper pack of rice all over the kitchen floor, right under his Daddy's nose. He has quick manoevring down to a fine art, and did such a good job that he managed to get rice right under the cupboards and into all those nooks and crannies that no super sucker will ever reach. This was comic relief at it's best, because it didn't stop there. Once the action had taken place, his brother thought this was FANTASTIC, and so both of them decided to play handball with the rice, seeing how fast they could whizz the rice all around the room. Brilliant! So the only thing that could be done was let them at it, and once we had reached our limit of patience, we introduced two new 'toys' for them to play with. They say it's never too young to teach your children about housework, so armed with brush and mini vac, the boys happily swept and scooped the rice around the floor for another session of supercool fun. Needless to say, I'm still picking up rice...


Sisterly Love

I have just enjoyed a very supercool fortnight with my older sister and her fiance. Our youngest sibling is also in Australia, and we had hoped to get all three sisters together, but she, who is turning heads in the polo world up in New South Wales, was sadly unable to make it down. How and ever, I still revelled in the novelty of having two family members in the same time zone, at the same time!
Just before they left, I took my sister and her supercool boyfriend to Bruny Island, where we spent the day giggling and joking around like school girls. We dropped the boys at daycare and made it to the ferry terminal, scraping onto the boat as paddy last. The relief of making it then turned to nervous giggles, and that set us off for the day. There we were, without a care in the world, back being 8 and 10 again...
On reflection, our time together made my head swim with so many different emotions. How happy I was to have quality time with not only my sister but, my very best friend. Mix that with the heart wrenching sadness that comes with living so far away, and all I was left with was a fog of pent up emotions. Exhausting.
Now they are gone, I have decided not to fall into my usual depressive melancholy, but focus on our many happy memories, a very tidy house (after a gentle reawakening of my role as housekeeper!) the most exquisite photos, and be thankful that our two little boys  now know their auntie and (soon to be) uncle, a lot more. Next job is to win the lotto so I can get our wee family up to Europe ASAP!
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