
The Party Review

So our first official mini birthday bash went off without a hitch, hooray! Despite the sky appearing gloomy, the little people seemed to have fun and my craft corner actually had some customers. The key to toddler parties is to keep it SUPER simple. One activity (decorate your own party hat), the official cake ceremony and locating the party close to a playground was a winning combination. Despite our best intentions, the winner in the refreshment department was the Wiggles apple juice. I am proud to say that this was and will be the only Wiggle purchase in our household.

When it came to going home time, my fear of not providing a traditional party bag was softened by an older female friend of Jacks, a very mature five year old who told me that the balloon I just took off the tree was a perfectly satisfactory going home present. What a relief.

Next year however, there will be a new rule. With the exorbitant amount of presents that now decorate our living room floor, is it really necessary to give a kid so many toys? I have been inspired by a friend who recently requested pre-loved or handmade gifts to be given to her daughter for her birthday party. It was lovely to see the effort made and how even the most creatively challenged came up trumps. A much more wholesome and cost effective method that doesn't allow your child think you're the Grinch. Don't you think?


Vaness said...

AS much as I admire this sentiment.
If I was little and got only handmade gifts, I'd be fairly peeved. Perhaps its a result of being a child of the 90's!

PLUS, the thought makes me feel queasy as I am THE most creatively challeged person there is.
A ball of wool then for J&C going forward?

Nuella said...

As much as I totally agree with your sentiments, and in these economically challenged times, your ideas might be necessary, but just at the moment, I certainly cannot see kids in the Northern Hemisphere being happy campers with this idea.
So I am saying, you are ahead of your time Jen.

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