
You are my sunshine. My only sunshine...

We love to talk about the weather. "Hello, nice to meet you..bit chilly today isn't it?" "Hello, yes we've just moved here..oh so Hobart isn't usually this cold..or wet? So when does it actually warm up?"
Until Monday, I was very upbeat about the rather inclement weather here. It wasn't the mist or the chilly temperatures that finally got to me. It was the rain, the soft incessant spray that seems neverending... ho hum. Anyway, we managed to escape the drabby drizzle at our local kinder gym, where the boys exhausted themselves and I checked out potential pals. When we finally got home, magically the sun appeared and our day ended up playing hop scotch and the ever popular 'Don't eat the stones, Charlie'.
Jack was particularly impressed with me when I suggested we create his very own vegie patch, as Daddy seems to have completely taken over the garden and was giving him zero room to "dig big holes". So, as shown, Jack now has his precious triangle, and maybe, just maybe, Daddy might give him a seed or two.

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