
My new job

So I guess I should really share what my new job is right? I am now in week 4 and very happily ticking along at Babes in Arms - a small yet energetic business run by two ex-architects! When Anita couldn't find a baby carrier that really suited her she discovered the ERGObaby carrier in the States, bought it, loved it and realized there was no-one here selling it. So guess what, she thought, ah here's an idea, a small distribution line that can subsidise our income.. well, little did she know how big it would become. Today she now runs the business with her lovely husband Ralph and a dedicated team of almost 10, all from their family home, with 3 little ones under 6 sharing the space! It's cosy but strangely works ok, especially when their 3 year old bakes for us! It's just nice to get my brain ticking in a different direction, regain some income again and get to use a product that is honestly fantastic.
Watch out Mt Everest, here we come!


knitknotnat said...

Glad the job is going well! Haven't tried ergobaby yet but I've heard they are great. I might borrow Anna's one day and takey daughter for a bush walk x

Tess said...

I love my Ergo! Great company Jen! I really hope it works out for you. We used to put indie in the new born insert and work an call her the little hot dog! It was great cause we could swaddle her, get her to sleep then transfer her! Lots of love xxxx

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