
New Tricks

Following the departure of the visitors last weekend, I was feeling a little sorry for myself, all to be instantly vapourised on Saturday, when I heard a yell from the kitchen. On arrival I was greeted with a scene of cereal sabotage. Charlie Charming (now so nicknamed at daycare) had successfully emptied an entire bumper pack of rice all over the kitchen floor, right under his Daddy's nose. He has quick manoevring down to a fine art, and did such a good job that he managed to get rice right under the cupboards and into all those nooks and crannies that no super sucker will ever reach. This was comic relief at it's best, because it didn't stop there. Once the action had taken place, his brother thought this was FANTASTIC, and so both of them decided to play handball with the rice, seeing how fast they could whizz the rice all around the room. Brilliant! So the only thing that could be done was let them at it, and once we had reached our limit of patience, we introduced two new 'toys' for them to play with. They say it's never too young to teach your children about housework, so armed with brush and mini vac, the boys happily swept and scooped the rice around the floor for another session of supercool fun. Needless to say, I'm still picking up rice...

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