
The Countdown is on!

I have just realised it's Friday and I'm launching The Brothers Trimm next Wednesday! Yikes, what was a romantic notion has suddenly taken on a life of it's own...
With the boys now happily at daycare, I have been happily entranced in all things HTML with some very lovely friends helping me out with design layout, logos, product sourcing and general back up. So thank you to all involved.
It will be really interesting to see how this whole idea will pan out. I am hoping that there are lots of like minded parents, who would enjoy and avail of a one stop shop of products, ideas and inspiration dedicated to pre-teen boys. My dream is to expand the new blog into an online store, BUT baby steps... All I need is for you lovely readers to spread the word, and, on March 9, (the International Day of Awesomeness, by the way), become fans (I have 7 Facebook fans after 5 mins of launching my page, bless!!!), subscribe and ENJOY the very first post next Wednesday!

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